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D. Encyclopedia articles:



  • Wang, W.S-Y. 2004. Chinese [Mandarin].Encyclopedia of Linguistics. Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers.
  • Wang,W.S-Y. 2004. Tone languages. The Linguistics Encyclopedia, Kirstin Malmkjaer ed. Routledge & Kegan. 2nd ed. 552-8. Paperback edition. 2013. 548-53. Also printed in Wang, W.S-Y. 1991. Explorations in Language. 239-46. (hardcopy)


  • Wang,W.S-Y. Y.R. Chao. 504. Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Pergamon Press. (hardcopy)
  • Wang,W.S-Y. 1994. 1445-50. Glottochronology, lexicostatistics, and other numerical methods. In R.E. Asher ed. The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Vol. 3. New York: Pergamon Press.                                      
  • Chinese translation: 2002. 陳保亞, 周政后譯. 詞源統計分析法、詞彙統計學和其他數理統計方法. 王士元語言學論文集. 262-79.
  • Wang, W.S-Y. and R.E. Asher. 1994. Chinese linguistic tradition.The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. 524-7. Elsevier. (hardcopy) Reprinted in 1995. Concise History of the Language Sciences: From the Sumerians to the Cognitivists. E.F.K. Koerner and R.E. Asher eds. New York: Pergamon Press. 41-44.
  • Wang, W.S-Y. Sino-Tibetan. 1994. The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Pergamon Press. 3951-3. (hardcopy)


  • Wang, W.S-Y. 1992. Origins of language. Oxford International Encyclopaedia of Linguistics. 139-41. William Frawley, editor-in-chief. (hardcopy) Reprinted in Wang, W.S-Y. 1991. Explorations in Language. 162-4.


  • Wang,W.S-Y. 1980. The Chinese language. The Academic American Encyclopedia.


  • Wang, W.S-Y. and R.S. Tikofsky. 1960.Speech. McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology. 1st ed., 593-9; 1987 6th ed., 222-6; 1992 7th ed., 226-30. (hardcopy)



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Last Updated on: 17-Sep-2014