7 April 2020
Prof. Zhengguang Garry Cai, Deputy Director of our Joint Centre is organizing a series of online psycholinguistic talks in the context of a worldwide lockdown in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Prominent psycholinguists are invited to give an online talk on a theoretical frontier, experimental findings around a topic, and/or cutting-edge methods, in the area of psychology of language.
Please click link:https://osf.io/f7jg3/
20 October 2017
The 4th Annual Meeting of the Chinese University of Hong Kong - Peking University - University System of Taiwan Joint Research Centre for Language and Human Complexity 2017
Date: Friday October 20, 2017
Venue: Rm 220 Fung King Hei Building, CUHK
3 November 2016
Congratulations to Scarlet Li and her supervisor Prof. Gloria Zhang on the LSHK Outstanding Thesis Award!
Title of MA thesis: "The Relation of Working Memory, Declarative Memory, and Procedural Memory as Individual Differences in Second Language Acquisition"
24 October 2016
Prof. Michał B. PARADOWSKI from University of Warsaw gives a lecture "Complexity phenomena in linguistics" at 10:30-12:00 at Room 220, Fung King Hey Building, CUHK on 24 October 2016
11 October 2016
The 3rd Annual Meeting of the CUHK-PKU-UST Joint Research Centre for Language and Human Complexity and a MEG workshop in Taiwanwill be held on 11 October 2016
27 July 2016
A warm welcome to Prof. Mai Ziyin Maggie, who joins us as Research Assistant Professor from 1 August 2016.
We say farewell to Prof. Peng Gang, who joined HKPU as Assistant Professor in the Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies from 1 July 2016.
26 June 2016
Prof. Salikoko Mufwene delivers a distinguished lecture "The complex linguistic behavior of a plurilingual" on 26 June 2016.
6 June 2016
Fieldwork in Sichuan conducted by Prof William Wang,
Prof Peng Gang and colleagues in Peking University
17 January 2016
跨國研究破迷思 學語言用左腦
7 January 2016
Recruitment for Research Assistant Professor [Details] (1516/142(737)/2)
13-14 November 2015
Prof Virginia Yip and Stephen Matthews are keynote speakers at the 3rd International Conference of the Psycholinguistics Association of China 第三届中国心理语言学国际研讨会 13-14 November 2015
6 November 2015
Prof. Nicholas Evans from Australian National University gives a distinguished scholar lecture in Bilingualism and Human Complexity on "The multilingual matrix of languages evolution: Lessons from small-scale speech communities" at Room 101, LKK Bldg, CUHK on 6 November, 2015
Download the Poster
14-18 September 2014
Prof. William S-Y. Wang was invited to join the 15th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association held in Singapore, 14 to 18 September 2014, where Prof. Wang gave a keynote speech with the title “Sound Patterns in Language”.
Manson C-M Fong, CLHC member, also presented his paper "Towards a Neural Measure of Perceptual Distance—Classification of Electroencephalographic Responses to Synthetic Vowels" at the conference.
Download the presentation slides
Download the full paper
9-13 September 2014
Prof. William S-Y. Wang and Prof. Gang Peng was invited to join the 2014 Summer Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience in Taiwan, held at the National Central University in Taiwan, 9-13 September 2014, where Prof. Wang gave an Keynote speech.
27-29 August 2014
Dr. Quansheng Xia and Dr. Caicai Zhang was presented at the SNL conference 2014 held at Beurs van Berlage, Amsterdam, from 27 to 29 August 2014.
1-21 August 2014
Prof. Gang Peng was invited to join the 12th China Linguistics Summer Institute held at the Nankai University, 1 – 21 August 2014.
18 August 2014
Prof. Gang Peng was awarded with a General Program Project by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) in 2014.
Project title: Psychological Bases of Speech Perception.
30 June 2014
Prof. William S- Y. Wang was awarded with a General Research Fund Grant by Research Grant Council of Hong Kong in the 2014/2015 exercise year. Project title: Cognitive Representation & Dynamics of Phonological Systems: The Case of Lexical Tone in Chinese.
Prof. Gang Peng was awarded with a General Research Fund Grant by Research Grant Council of Hong Kong in the 2014/2015 exercise year. Project title: Neural Mechanism of Extrinsic Normalization in Vowel Perception.
20 June 2014
Congratulations on acceptance of Dr. Quansheng Xia and Dr. Caicai Zhang's submission for the 'Society for the Neurobiology of Language (SNL) 2014'. For more information of SNL, please explore the link below:
Link to SNL 2014
16 June 2014
Prof. Mieko Ogura & Prof. William S-Y. Wang's research paper, 'Lexical Diffusion and Neogrammarian Regularity', will be presented at the 18th International Conference on English Historical Linguistic (ICEHL-18) holding in Leuven, Belgium, from 14 to 18 July 2014.
Download the research paper in .pdf
Download the .ppt to be presented at the conference
4-6 June 2014
The 14th International Symposium on Chinese Language and Linguistics (IsCLL-14) will be held in conjunction with the 10th anniversary of the Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica, on June 4-6, 2014. Prof. William S-Y. Wang's opening keynote speech, "Ancestry of Language & People", can be found at the link below.
Download .pdf version
3 June 2014
The application deadline for the 2014 Summer School for Cognitive Neuroscience has been extended until 15 June 2014.
20 May 2014
Interview of Prof. Ovid Tzeng is published in Scientific American (科學人雜誌), May 2014
Download .pdf version (Chinese version only)
16 May 2014
Interview of Prof. William S- Y. Wang is published in Mainland - Hong Kong Academic Exchange (京港學術交流), April 2014, vol. 101
Download .pdf version (Chinese version only)
29 April 2014
"Evolution Tense and Aspect" by Mieko Ogura, Takumi Inakazu, & William S-Y. Wang is now avaliable online
Download .pdf version
22 April 2014
Prof. William S-Y. Wang, JRCLHC Director, has been appointed Honorary Professor at Nanjing Normal University
Click here for photo
10 April 2014
The 4th Biological Foundations of Language seminar
Click here for videos
5 - 8 April 2014
Cognitive Neuroscience Society 2014 was held in Boston on April 5-8, 2014 at the Marriott Copley Place Hotel. Caicai Zhang, JRCLHC research associate , was accepted for a poster session.
Download .pdf version
4 April 2014
Prof. William S-Y. Wang's interview:
The Complex Laws of Nature, Simply Stated
Download .pdf version (In Plain View, 4 April 2014. pp 4-5)
21 March 2014
The 3rd Biological Foundations of Language seminar
Click here for videos
18 March 2014
JRCLHC mentioned in "2013 International Symposium on Voice: Physiology, Language, and Cultures"
Chinese Version Only (Scientific Chinese, March 2014, pp 29-37)
13 March 2014
The 2nd Biological Foundations of Language seminar
Click here for videos
3 - 5 March 2014
Prof. Wang went to Singapore to attend a conference entitled "Hidden Connections: Complexity Program Annual Conference", organized by the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) to mark the launch of the NTU Complexity Institute. The three-day conference took place from March 3-5, 2014 and Prof. Wang gave a keynote speech on March 5 with the title: Language evolution and phase transitions.
videos & lecture slides can be found here
27 February 2014
The 1st Biological Foundations of Language seminar
Click here for videos
21 - 22 February 2014
Prof. Peng and Prof. Wang joined the First International Workshop on Cognitive Aging, held at the National Chung Cheung University in Tai wan, 21-22 December 2013, where Prof. Wang gave an Opening Address. In conjunction with the workshop, they were invited to visit the Buddhist Dalin Tzu Chi General Hospital on 20 December 2013, in particular the Dementia Center and the Senior Day Care Centre, both under the direction of Dr. Wenlong Cao.
16 December 2013
Peking University's announcement of JRCLHC
Chinese Version
English Version
12 December 2013
港中大, 北大與台灣聯合大學共同成立研究中心
Chinese Version Only (南方都市報)
Prof. Wang interviewed by China Daily
English Version Only
11 December 2013
Inauguration of The Chinese University of Hong Kong - Peking University - University System of Taiwan Joint Research Centre for Language and Human Complexity (CUHK Press Releases)
Chinese Version
English Version
香港中文大學 - 北京大學 - 台灣聯合大學系統 共同成立語言與人類複雜系統聯合研究中心
Chinese Version Only (中央日報)
8 December 2013
Joint Research Centre for Language and Human Complexity Opening Ceremony
Click here for photos
Prof. Wang interviewed by China Daily
English Version Only