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B. miscellanea:



  • Wang , William S-Y. 2014. John and me. Celebrating John H. Holland's 85th Birthday: A Special Present to John from His Friends, ed. by J.W. Vasbinder, H.H. Gao & J. Han, 116-7. Singapore: Mainland Press. holland85-2014.pdf


  • Wang, William S-Y. 2013. Who are the Chinese? ICS Bulletin 4. 誰是中國人? 中國文化研究所通訊.
  • Wang, William S-Y. 2013. Trilingual Hong Kong must plant seeds of language learning at the right time. South China Morning Post. November 12, A15. 2013scmp1112.pdf
  • Wang, W.S-Y. 2013. Tribute. Speech in honour of Professor Alain Peyraube. In Breaking Down the Barriers: Interdisciplinary Studies in Chinese Linguistics and Beyond, Language and Linguistics Monograph Series 50. 綜古述今 鉤深取極. 語言暨語言學專刊系列之五十, ed. by Cao Guangshun曹廣順, Hilary Chappell曹茜蕾, Redouane Djamouri 羅端and Thekla Wiebusch魏婷蘭, xvii. Taipei: Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica.
  • Zhang, Caicai, Gang Peng and William S-Y. Wang. 2013. Interaction of long-term acoustic experience and local context information on the perceptual accommodation of talker variability. Paper presented in the 21st International Congress on Acoustics, organized by the Acoustical Society of America (ASA) and the Canadian Acoustical Association (CAA) Montreal, Canada. June 7, 2013. ica2013_CCZhang.pdf
  • Fong, Cheuk Man Manson, J. Minett, Lin Zhou, Thierry Blu & William S-Y. Wang. 2013. The Use of Phonetic Similarity Cues in Auditory Spellers. Paper presented at the Fifth International Brain-Computer Interface Meeting.
  • 王士元. 2013. 在多學科的框架下研究語言. 中國社會科學報 A-07. 1月14日星期一.
  • 王士元. 2013. 序. 腦與語言認知, 19-20. 江銘虎&王琳等編譯. 北京:清華大學出版社. jiang-wang2013.PDF
  • Zhou, Lin, J. Minett & William S-Y. Wang 2012. The P200 Component and the Sub-lexical Phonological Processing in Reading Chinese. Paper presented at the 14th International Conference on the Processing of East Asian Languages.


  • 王士元. 2012. 序. 鄭張尚芳語言學論文集, 1. 北京: 中華書局. zhengzhang2012.pdf
  • Wang, W.S-Y. 2012. Forward to The Scientific Merits of the Social Sciences by C.Y. To. 序言三:關於重新確定社會科學發展方向. 社會科學的科學本質. 杜祖貽著, 洪光磊、李敏誼譯. 上海辭書出版社. 7-11. preface-To2012.pdf
  • 王士元. 2012. Preface to the Chinese translation of Michael Tomasello’s Origins of Human Communication.邁克爾托馬塞洛《人類溝通的起源》中文版序. 人類溝通的起源. 北京, 商務印書館: III-VII, 蔡雅菁譯. tomasello preface2012.pdf
  • Wang, William S-Y. 2012. Preface to the Chinese translation of Salikoko Mufwene’s The Ecology of Language Evolution. 譯序. 語言演化生態學. 薩利科科S.穆夫溫著. 郭嘉、胡蓉、阿錯譯. iii-vii. 北京:商務印書館. mufwene preface2012.pdf
  • Ogura, Mieko & William S-Y. Wang. 2012. Evolution of Grammatical Forms in English. Paper presented at The 17th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics (ICEHL17), University of Zurich. August 23.
  • Fong, Cheuk Man Manson, James William Minett, Thierry Blu and William S-Y. Wang. 2012. Brain--Computer Interface (BCI): Is it strictly necessary to use random sequences in visual spellers? Paper presented in The 10th Asia Pacific Conference on Computer Human Interaction. August, 2012. manson2012.pdf
  • 王士元. 2012. 語言源頭何處覓?. 中國社會科學報 A-07.7月9日星期一. 2012.pdf
  • Zhang, Caicai, Gang Peng & William S-Y.  Wang. 2012. Normalizing talker variation in the perception of Cantonese level tones: Impact of speech and nonspeech contexts. Paper presented at the Third International Symposium on Tonal Aspects of Languages (TAL 2012.05.28.), organized by Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, China.
  • Wang, William S Y, James William Minett, Cheuk Man Manson Fong and Lin Zhou. A novel Chinese text input brain–Computer interface for persons with neuromuscular disability. Exhibition on Projects of the Development of Assistive Technology for Persons with Disabilities Fund. 2012.05.11.
  • Ogura, M. & William S-Y. Wang. 2012. Ambiguity resolution and evolution of word order. Paper presented at the EVOLANG 9, March 13-16.


  • Wang, William S-Y. 2011. Language sets the tone for brain’s circuitry. South China  Morning Post.13, October 9, Sunday. 2011SCMP1009.pdf
  • Zheng, Hongying, Ching-pong Au & William S-Y. Wang. 2011. The Influence of linguistic background on asymmetric tone perception induced by position of context. Paper presented at the 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS), organized by City University of Hong Kong, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Academia Sinica, Hong Kong SAR, Aug.17.
  • Mai, Guangting, Gang Peng & William S-Y. Wang. 2011. Association between modulation spectrum and speech intelligibility of syllable-timed languages. Paper presented at the ICPhS XVII, Hong Kong, August 17-21. Mai-ICPhS_2011.pdf
  • Wang , William S-Y. 2011. Cause for a rethink on how we learn. South China  Morning Post.13, July 10, Sunday. 2011SCMP0710.pdf
  • Mai, Guangting, Gang Peng & William S-Y. Wang. 2011. Perceptual Discretization during Speech Identification: A Study on Intelligibility of Locally Time-Reversed Speech in Mandarin and Cantonese. Paper presented at the The 19th Annual Conference of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics (IACL-19) 2011.06.13. Mai-IACL19-2011.pdf
  • Wang 王士元 , William S-Y. 2011. Voices out of Africa? South China Morning Post.13, May 29, Sunday. 2011scmp0529.pdf


  • Minett, James W., Gang Peng, Lin Zhou, Hong-Ying Zheng & William S-Y. Wang. 2010. An Assistive Communication Brain–Computer Interface for Chinese Text Input. Paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE), Chengdu. minett2010.pdf
  • Wang 王士元 , William S-Y. 2010. Foreword序言. Doachronic Change and Language Contact - Dialects in South East China歷時演變與語言接觸 - 中國東南方言, Journal of Chinese Linguistics Monograph No.24, ed. by H.-n.S. Cheung張洪年 & S.H. Chang張雙慶, vii.
  • Wang, William S-Y. 2010. Preface to 人類溝通的起源. 麥可•托瑪塞羅著, 蔡雅菁譯. 台北:文鶴出版社. p. vi-x.
  • Wang, William S-Y. 2010. The first step. South China Morning Post. August 10. wwSCMP2010.PDF
  • Wang, W.S-Y. 2010. 《茶馬古道研究集刊》發刊賀辭. 茶馬古道研究集刊 1.1.
  • Wang 王士元 , William S-Y. 2010. Afterthought. 趙元任傳, 13-15. Chinese translation: 焦立為譯. 補記. 趙元任傳. p. 11-12. 石家莊: 河北教育出版社. YRChao2010.pdf
  • MAI, Guangting, Gang PENG & William S-Y. WANG. 2010. Mandarin syllabic rate and brain rhythm. Proceedings of the 9th Phonetic Conference of China, Nankai, Tianjin. May 2010.

2009 - 1955

  • Full list of publication of miscellanea are avaliable here


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